Thursday, November 19

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.Bill Cosby

I am sure you have seen " Tango Charlie" no ?? Che che one of the all time bestest films ever made. But Blue and Main aur Mrs Khanna almost pushed TC away from the pedestal.

Lets start with "Blue". I wonder what all the hype was , first underwater film and blah blah.. duh !! Akshay was so eew he reminded me of Ajay Devgan and Sanju baba should stick to his " Ghandhi giri" roles.. Areh action ka time gaya maamu. That left Katrina, she came danced and went off...sniff.. One more dude made an appearance..cant remember who..some Khan.. but Lara was the best of the lot, the only thing against her was that she didn't know how to act.

Now Main aur Mrs Khanna was so awefully bad that we took 8 days to complete that film. We watched for 10 minutes, went out for a walk, cleared our minds, read some books and then again sat down to finish the movie. I'm not sure if Kareena did something to her face..i think it was the print. Anyway Salman was too good , he acted. ( that says it all) . No comments on the other sidey people in that film. The film was so good that we even deleted all the songs from our harddrive and ipodus.

TC reigns supreme.

Tuesday, November 17

“I am the Dragon Reborn. Denying won’t change it. Wishing won’t change it. I’m not the man you knew back in Emond’s Field. Do you understand now? Do you?”

Yep just finished reading the 12th book of WOT series .. The Gathering Storm. The first reaction ..pain....yep the next book will be released next year. Then it was disappointment...Robert Jordan died a year ago and the series is being completed by Brandon Sanderson. Nope he just doesn't have it. I will continue to read the series because I want to know how it will all end, ofcourse i want to see Moraine aunty back :) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I did find Jonathan Stroud's books amazingly funny. Do read