Monday, July 3

"Take the trail! We hunt!"

Actually I wanted the title to be “ Clean your Room”. I had this overwhelming urge to clean my room at 2 am. No not because I was unable to sleep but the second part of the Wheel of Time series, "The Great hunt” had me mystified. I wanted to re read the first book “ Eye of the World” desperately and was unable to find it. Lets move on .. if the first book “ The Eye of the World” was all about getting us into the story, the second book “ The Great Hunt” carries it through, so many twists and turns, and so well written that you do not wish to put it down. If in the first book I was a bit frightened by the Aes Sedai in this book I was sort of inclined to believe that they could actually be on the side of the Dragon.Lets see how it goes. Some parts of the book reminded me of Enid Blyton’s ~Mallory Towers, don’t ask me why and most of the dialogues with the Aes Sedai where similar to Yoda’s 1 liners. These books need a lot of a patience, an eye for detail for some of the more complex story twists and a good memory. I truly liked the prophecies like this one : "Twice and twice shall he be marked, twice to live and twice to die. Once the heron to set his path. Twice the heron to name him true. Once the dragon, for remembrance lost. Twice the dragon, for the price he must pay." "The Wheel of Time weaves us all into the pattern as it wills, but sometimes it provides us with what we need before we know we need it." I was so hooked reading part 2 of the 12 part series that I bought book 3 “ The Dragon Reborn “. It’s much better this way,than cleaning my room :)

1 comment:

Prashanth said...

Book 3 is good... Book 4 is the best. Then it starts slowing down...

Wonder whats the name of the next book...