Tuesday, May 17

Drum Brakes.

The car in front of us stopped suddenly and our bus driver took evasive action and applied brakes....eeeeeeeeerch , we heard a thud and a couple of shouts, a bike had rammed into the rear of the bus. An accident and we have all sorts of people crowding in and giving in their Re 1 opinions. Well the biker didn't let us go; his argument was that it was our driver's fault and that he was not supposed to brake so suddenly. Duh!! How the hell did he even get his driving license? Even my sister knows that the minimum distance between vehicles must be 10 feet. Its another matter that when my sis is driving, people keep a minimum of 10 miles between her and them and Oh! as a precautionary measure climb trees ( You never know). So we had to go to the police station and there the constable told us that all traffic related cases were handled in a different location . A policeman with 2 mobile phones (and they say policemen are not paid well) helped us out and told the bike owner that it was his fault and we were on our way. (30 mins late)


Vc said...

parvagilve... maybe its "buy 1 get 1 free "offer " one is for personal use and the other for "official" purposes :)

Anonymous said...

eh??? too many accidents~(*o*); glad u were not hurt!!!

Kirthi said...

I guess all bus drivers of IT companies have been paid off by those crazy Americans to get us snuffed out before we eat up their precious economy with our esoteric software services. (how paranoid can I get).
Here our helicopter pilot (the driver silly) cuts through the signal gets caught twice by the same policeman and fishes out the receipt to show that he has already bribed him the previous day.

Veerapathiran said...

>>minimum distance between vehicles must be 10 feet
i've never seen that anywhere in bangalore..so, obviously this rule doesn't hold true for bangalore..so i think the bus driver is at fault here :-) (look,i'm not the one who hit the bus, but still i sympathize with any biker!)

Vc said...

Comeon... He's a Government driver.They have separate rules..( I am trying to be a bit sarcastic).

Well maybe the "biker" was trying to overtake or was not concentrating..the possiblities are endless ..we bikers do get carried away sometimes :)

Vc said...

Accident :an unexpected usually sudden event that occurs without intent or volition although sometimes through carelessness, unawareness, ignorance, or a combination of causes and that produces an unfortunate result (as an injury) for which the affected party may be entitled to relief under the law or to compensation under an insurance policy .

Vc said...

It was an accident and it was not delibrate but it could have been avoided if the dude on the bike was alert.

Anonymous said...

why does it take a bus full of ppl to end up at the police station?

Vc said...

Unity in diversity :)