Friday, May 13

Only weird people want others to think they are weird. Huh? Oh, no, I'm not weird at all. I only want you to think I am.

Get your hands on Michael Crichton’s new novel ‘State Of Fear’ today. Here he argues that "The threat of global warming,is essentially nonexistent. " Here's a peek... "Imagine the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere as a football field. Most of the atmosphere is Nitrogen. So, starting from the goal line, nitrogen takes you all the way down to the seventy-eight-yard line. And most of what’s left is oxygen. Oxygen takes you to the ninety-nine-yard line. Only one yard to go. But most of what remains is the inert gas argon. Argon brings you to within three and a half inches of the goal line. That’s pretty much the thickness of the chalk stripe, folks. And how much of that remaining three inches is carbon dioxide? One inch. That’s how much carbon dioxide we have in our atmosphere. One inch in a hundred-yard football field. Now, you are told that carbon dioxide has increased in the last fifty years. Do you know how much it has increased, on our football field? It has increased by three-eighths of an inch – less than the thickness of a pencil. It’s a lot more carbon dioxide, but it’s a minuscule change in our total atmosphere. Yet you are asked to believe that this tiny change has driven the entire planet into a dangerous warming pattern. " You guys must know that i am a huge chess freak .. don't get to play much these competition :( ... but check this site out thanks to Vallabhi .It shows you how the Computer checks out the various combinations.Cool Parting thought : Which organ /part of your body is known as the second brain ? The spinal cord ? thu che.. how did u even pass ur biology exams.. Its the stomach.. think ... if not I'll explain...


Kirthi said...

Can I answer that one teacher???

Vc said...

Hmm Kirthi beti, what is rule no 1.You have to raise your hands to answer the question. uff... aaj kal ki ladkiyan....

Kirthi said...

Hey you don't even have a revolver/bazooka/pea-shooter!

Vc said...

Very Puny... ok Kirthi you get a shot to explain why the stomach is called the second brain.

Anonymous said...

zzzzZZZZZZZ.. Boring as hell !

Vc said...

which one ???

Jagadish said...

its the gut right ? ...that's why they call it gut feeling... it supposedly has the mot intricately connected nerve congregation after the brain !