Thursday, February 23

Confession - Linda Anderson

Sometimes we do what is wrong.
We feel out of control and helpless. We feel ashamed. Yet evil is not all we are.
Sometimes we do what is right.
We feel proud and courageous. We feel our strength. Yet good is not all we are.
Like the wind -- sometimes mild,
sometimes fierce -- we hold all the moods and the power inside us.
We bring the soft rain and the wild storm.
It is our nature to contain it all.
May we have peace with who we are -- and with who we may be. May we have peace with who we have been -- evil and good,
foolish and wise, weak and strong. May we know all that we are - and may we have peace. Source: 1997 UUMA Worship Materials Collection; altered

1 comment:

Prashanth said...

may your sis forgive you for your sins. amen.