Monday, July 30

Hp7 My fav Quotes

“Ron, you know full well Harry and I were brought up by Muggles!” said Hermione. “We didn’t hear stories like that when we were little, we heard ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ and ‘Cinderella’—” “What’s that, an illness?” asked Ron. Trumpetlike sounds from the back of the marquee told everyone that Hagrid had taken out one of his own tablecloth=sized handkerchiefs. There was the sound of pattering feet, a blaze of shining copper, an echoing clang, and a shriek of agony; Kreacher had taken a run at Mundungus and hit him over the head with a saucepan. “Call ’im off, call ’im off, ’e should be locked up!” screamed Mundungus, cowering as Kreacher raised the heavy-bottomed pan again. “Kreacher, no!” shouted Harry. Kreacher’s thin arms trembled with the weight of the pan, still held aloft. “Perhaps just one more, Master Harry, for luck?” “You will stay for dinner?” he called, as he vanished downstairs again. “Everybody always requests our recipe for Freshwater Plimpy soup.” “Probably to show the Poisoning Department at St. Mungo’s,” said Ron under his breath. “Harry Potter,” he squeaked in the tiniest quiver of a voice, “Dobby has come to rescue you.” >>> Dobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbby


myths said...

finished it ? or still khoonifying it for everyone :-P

Prashanth said...

Alas, poor Dobby. Sniff.

Anonymous said...

khoonifying..ahhaha HELLO !!

Sp...dobby dobbyy mummmy dobby...dammmammr

Anonymous said...

i got HP7 for around 20 bucks here, no laptop asanas, nice big fonts !!

Very good read, start to finish, even Sid(dhata-thats how he says his name)couldnt tear the book away from me :)