Thursday, February 17

At first laying down, as a fact fundamental, That nothing with God can be accidental.

Yesterday night, a family friend, an uncle, in order to avoid hitting a bicycle rider, collided head on into a Bus and expired.

This gave my mom a chance to deliver a lecture on road safety ... Always wear a helmet, don't go too fast, don't look at passing pedestrians (read as chicks). This morning, at the Traffic Junction, this BMTC bus driver took an illegal turn and applied his brakes Screeeeeeeeeeech. As I was alert (it must be that coffee I drank 3 days ago.), I applied my brakes and stopped 2 ft away from its bumper. Suddenly my right ankle was on fire (read as pain, I am very poor at comparisons :)). I then hear a loud crash, hah ...whoever said that LIGHT TRAVELS FASTER THAN SOUND was never hit by a speeding bike...I think it should be PAIN TRAVELS FASTER THAN ANYTHING. I find myself staring at this 20 yr old college student. His face is writhed with pain ... and you know what he says "Sorry" ... hah ... I go through my dictionary of choicest 4 and 5 letter words..,, Thankfully my bike was not damaged.... So no harm done...


Veerapathiran said...

Biking on the bangalore roads sure mean life on the edge!!

i've fiero (which has bad brakes) which is not well maintained (which means there is no brake at all) and often dont wear helmet. If you dont see my blog updated for more three days, then you know where to look for me:-(

Vc said...

Haha...if there's a will , can i be in it ? joking..