Friday, October 7

The well-dressed man is he whose clothes you never notice.

Yesterday, I was invited to a birthday party. It had lots of balloons,cakes, sweets and girls. I was surprised by the trendy clothes these younger generation girls wore .. and the smiles they gave were bewitching .I talked to a few of them and even got to know their names. ( Vc and shy Hah! ) .And oh they were accompanied by their mom's .. I mean who would send their 6 year old daughters to a birthday party unaccompanied? You know what's difficult. Finding the right present for a 6 year old girl. The first thing that came to my mind was Barbie dolls. You’ll be surprised at the different shapes and colors that Barbie comes in. I liked the Indian Barbie, but the price choked me . A cool Rs599 /- for a plastic foreign lady dressed up in Kanchivaram silk saree .I was desparate and so had to break Rule 9.3g , “ Never ask a shopkeeper for advice “.I asked the shopkeeper for a suitable gift for a 6 year girl .I stressed on the word "girl" because his eyes were roaming around the expensive Remote controlled Cars . He said why not present a junior Scrabble set .( Aaaaah that reminded me of my childhood days when I used to go to Rahul's house to play scrabble. Sigh* wonder where Rahul is ....) I was jolted from my reverie when he quoted the price, a whooping Rs 600/- . I couldn't visualize the little girl spelling INSCULP( To engrave; to carve; to sculpture). So I decided on a Kitchen set. It costed a little over Rs 400 but was worth it. I mean it had cabinets ,a table , pressure cooker, plates, spoons and even a miniature gas stove. I remember my sis playing with one such set a long time ago and I think I accidentally hmm broke it. I swear it was an accident . What's with parents dressing up kids ? I mean everyone has a childhood photo were they are dressed as "Lord Krishna " or "Hanuman” ( as in Sajjan's case ) or as a "farmer" or as "a girl" ( as in Sajjan's case ) . Thank God my parents did not dress me up in fancy clothes. Wait a min …. Pink Jeans.. Yep I was made to wear pink jeans . Can you imagine me in Pink Jeans ? ( Ok you can stop imagining ) .Oh the best part is that even my brother was made to wear them ... uhahahaaaaaaaha. And no I am NOT posting those pics here . Here's another thought .. during the festival season we ( me and my bro ) would be wearing similar type of shirts. It turns out that my pop bought 4 meters of the same material. You can find such "enthusiastic parents" all over the country. I think its something to do with " partiality " among children. Oh yes I would revolt and throw a tantrum. "It looks good on him and not on me ." and the result - pattar pattar . There was this guy Mathew in my Engg college. He was a classmate and a casual friend and we used to travel in the same bus. One morning , I saw that he had managed to get a window seat and .... Me: Hi Dude . I dump my bag of books on his lap .. He : Hi ( He gave me a surprised look ) (I did not notice the look because I was busy with certain other activities. No not buying tickets but checking out chicks). Me : So did you complete the Maths assignment ? (Still looking as if I was from Planet Pluto) Me : I found the 3rd problem a bit tricky.. He : I'm getting down here, you can have my seat . I was caught off guard and before I could react he jumped off the bus. Thirty minutes later, I reached college and was busying narrating this incident to a couple of my friends and what do I see ? Mathew writing assignments in the classroom. Now how the hell did he reach before me ? Didn’t I see him jump of the bus ? I confronted him and asked him to explain himself .He gave me that puzzled look and wanted to know what was going on? His concern was genuine and I calmed down and told him about the incident. He smiled. Of course he had a twin brother and his twin had decided to wear a similar shirt that day. Twins in identical clothes are cool .. but why do they do that ? I mean we are confused as it is ....


Anonymous said...

Mathew's twin brother was phillp Alexander!
and that if i remember correctly.


Anonymous said...


Talk abt ur experiences... u got me thinkin all sortsa things .. only to see in da end that they r 'childrenizing skills'...LOL.

twins r cute... wud luv to hav them maself some day...(blushes)

im a student 3rd year. wat abt U? VC?

Vc said...

Yep Phillip was studying Information Science at BIT.

You hardly remember what you ate for dinner yesterday. Sigh *

Vc said...

Madam Divya, My friend Sajjan thinks that someone is playing a prank on me. I mean I am a prankster but.. I hope you are for real... :)
Sigh* You are a student ???
Well well well ....

Anonymous said...

Hehe. Im not a prankster or trickster..
But ppl usually call me 'divster'

Why this sudden doubt? Surely im not the first person to congratulate u.

Just a cool NRI on this side of da world.. engagin in an intrestin convo wit a cool blogger!(LOL)

Pinched maself million times! still hurts..(ouch) Guess im real.

Vc said...

Well I was sort of down because none of the readers ( that's 4 of them no make that 3) have complimented me ... I know its my fault ..HELLO a bit of encouragement !! I wonder what my sis in US is doing ?? and my soul sis in York is eating icecreams...grr...

Thanks ...

Anonymous said...

If im rite ur in bangy? Been ther. luvd the MGR road.Lots of shoppin.Was happy. My financer(Dad) wasnt really...hehe

Yup. studyin 3rd yr Eco. I dont reckon ur a student. R u?

Hehe. Guess i shud read ur blogs more 'carefully' for further info eh?

Keep up the work. i luvd the pics. Some r just too coool..Aishwarya is simply authentic.

Wish i cud start on a Chote Sarkar(Abhishek) Collection. ;)


Prashanth said...

There was a pair of twins in my college as well... one guy was in my class... but I could normally differentiate between them if I bumped into one of them in the hostel zone by their voice and body language. The guy in my class was soft-spoken and soft-natured... the other guy was more self-confident.

There's a divster in this blog? Wow...

Anonymous said...

psst SP what's a divster??

Anonymous said...

What on earth is going on there!!! Ok I am calling from Neptune where they don't have winzip. What's with this stupid word verification? Ohh and u are maligning poor saj in the net u realize that? pattar pattar.
Hi there divya. You should've let the suspense hang on Vc till he goes please please with a cherry on the holly. Oh btw I am his soul sis Kirthi and SP is the kid around here. Actually even Vc falls in that category sometimes :). Imagine pink jeans eeeew even I didn't have one!!

Vc said...

Kirthi .. you should blog on zips.. uhahahaa.. they don't have winzip .. uahhahaa...

And hello I am making Saj popular..and I asked his permission(I think ).