Monday, January 2

I think I am blessed … magically blessed .

How do you dream/plan on starting a brand new year? Party? Freak out? Go to a pooja or meet Pooja? Visit friends and relatives? Go out in search of the book titled “ Eldest”? Curl up in bed and get that most needed extra hour or 2 of blissful sleep? I guess most of the time people just want that strong cup of coffee and the morning TOI.I never could figure out what the hype about the beginning of a new year was all about? Oh come-on its just another day ...isn't it? There are some people who believe that whatever happens on Jan 1st is a sign of coming days. Hah fools! My new year's eve was out of this world, couldn't have started off better. I got a string of messages from weird people( I have no idea who Rithu and Rithesh Bansal are) and then a long distance call from my sis and Bil wishing me a “Happy New Year" and lots of dishum dishum. Confused? Ok let’s start from the beginning. You guys know Sajjan right... well he was on his way to California and I asked him if he could take a few kilos of stuff for my sis. Poor guy he thought it was just a couple of DVD's and stuff, little did he realize that he was dealing with Indian mom's who try to show of their culinary skills.The total baggage amounted to approximately 6 kilos, which included a huge 500 gm Unripe MANGO. My sis and bil then drove 400 miles to pick up the stuff and when Saj did not contact them, they decided to call me and ask me about his wereabouts.I think I forgot to tell them that Saj doesn't wear a watch and doesn't in believe in "time".Shucks!! 8 am: They politely wished me a happy new year and then started bashing me. Your friend has not called us. does he have our number..does he know that we are coming over .. oooh aaah ouch. 9 am : dishum dishum...... do you know that we had to travel for 5 hours ? 11 am: This time I threw the cell on the bed and danced to Anu Malik's loos song " Do me a favor lets play holi.. rang-o main hai pyar ki boli...".I don’t think they noticed . 1pm :They called to say that Saj had atlast contacted them. I sighed with relief .. and politely pointed out that it was new year's eve and all this time they were taking out their anger and frustrations out at me. They apologized. I should have taken that opportunity to remind them about my DVD recorder and 1GB memory stick..damn. 2 pm: This time it was my Bil and even before he could say hello I warned him that I was trying to take a much earned siesta. I was surprised when my bil gave the phone to Sajjan who said “ Hey Vc contact has been made.. the goods have been delivered”.It was 1am their time.. what in heaven’s name where they doing at 1 am ? I think I ruined Sajjan’s New year plans( uahahhahahahaa ).Thanks Saj. 3.30 pm:It seems my sis called again but this time on the landline and talked to mom and asked her to thank me on her behalf.She didn't have the guts to call me.. HAH. I would have given her a piece of my mind. On second thoughts I have only 1 piece and I would rather not part with it.( sentimental value) So there it is a great start to a new year. For our sins.. Hoooyah .


Anonymous said...

i dont agree with your last statement about you having 1 piece...:))

Prashanth said...

Yep, it is not one piece, one nanobit is more like it.

My vote for how to spend new year's eve: curl up in bed.

Artful Badger said...

Hmm..yes its any other day..
But, it's important to take stock..
And new years day provides you to recharge and take stock of your life!

Jagadish said...

:) :)...happy new year VC :)....

Vc said...

Hello who is this anony ? I DARE U TO hmm..reveal yourself...

Sp grrr...

Ramani : New year celeb in chennai ? ahaa..

JP : thanks for the wishes.. I hope you have lots of "loos" adventures this year :)