Friday, January 27

The "one" Pothole .

For once I tried reading the Times of India ‘s ,spiritual section titled the Speaking Tree.It had this passage from the Chandogya Upanishad : “Where one sees nothing but the One, hears nothing but the One, knows nothing but the One–there is the Infinite. Where one sees another, hears another, knows another–there is the finite. The Infinite is immortal, the finite is mortal.” Holy Demon Ghatotkacha and his 43 followers, Who do you think the Upanishads are referring to as “the One “. Jet Li, the Chinese martial artist and film actor whose stunts include floating around in mid-air , knitting a XL sized multicolored full neck sweater and kicking the bad guys to oblivion, all inside a minute ? Or Can it be the famous Mr. Neo” I thought it wasn't real “Anderson from the Dot Matrix Printer. Is it the dude in black armor, Darth “ I have breathing problems” Vader from the far away Tatooine galaxy? Is it our very own young befuddled magician Harry “Is Dumbledore alive ?” Potter. Can it be the merry little alcoholic hobbit Frodo, whose favorite line is “Sam, where are you? ”. Who who who let the dogs out. . Oops I mean who do you think it is ? Anand believes it’s this “ out of the world “ dude. I bet that guy’s checking mails on his laptop. ++++++++++++++++++++ The HC appointed committee investigating the roads in Bangalore has pointed out that , the pail of water that you empty out on your front yard every morning might just be ruining city's roads . Frontages washed with water, a popular practice since time immemorial to ostensibly draw those intricate rangoli patterns, is apparently causing the asphalt layer to wear out. What does this mean to the lazy teenage girls ? It means no more getting up at 6 am to wash the front yard. Duh!! Yep you heard it right .. I wonder what my granny (God rest her soul and mango pickles in peace ) would have said to this accusation. All I have to say is .. “Why the hell are they checking roads in residential areas ?” aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !! Mooosa Moooosa 1 2 3 4 5 …. .. I am calm I am calm !!

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