Tuesday, May 30

"The church is near, but the road is icy. The bar is far, but we will walk carefully." — Russian Proverb.

I was planning on watching a film last weekend .My choices ranged from The Vc code , the weird yet cool X-men (no women) , the bubbly blind Kajol looking gorgeous in white, Scrat and the Mammoth in Ice Age 2 and lastly a local kannada movie (recommended by Sajjan). Uff too many choices and I didn’t watch any of the above :( I ended up enjoying Finding Nemo (again) and Malamaal Weekly (a Hindi film which was supposed to be funny). Why Finding Nemo : Well I had 2 hours to kill before going to the airport to pick up my BIL and so I asked my cousin for a timepass movie and she gave me Finding Nemo. I did get to see a gorgeous airhostess at the airport,even my cousin sis was staring at her. I had to politely point out that she was married and was here to pick up her husband. These aunties be na.. uff. I'm sure everyone has watched this film ...NO ? thu thu..go go watch it... Simple things which made the film enjoyable : The single-minded sea gulls that squawk "Mine!" "Mine!" "Mine!" at every potential food source.hehe The baby turtle and its attitude.The words " Dude" and " Totally" ( Man that was one cool turtle) and the baby octopus that "inks" himself whenever he gets scared uhahahaaa. Dory forgetting Nemo's name and ended up calling him Fabio, Elmo, Bingo, Chico, and Harpo... ttwwwoooooo tthhuummmbbsss uuppp (I speak Whale!) Dory: Have you seen a clown fish swim by? Crab: Yeah, but I'm not telling you Bluey, and there's nothing you can do about it! [Dory holds Crab out of water for the seagulls to see] Seagulls: Mine! Mine! Mine! Crab: Okay! Okay! I'll talk! I'll talk! The next day I borrowed “MALAMAAL WEEKLY” from Anand, hoping that it would be funny. One of the review's: “The story of MALAMAAL WEEKLY can be described in one simple line: The entire village greeding for the Malamaal lottery bumper prize and what ensues is a roller coaster ride of hilarious circumstances and funny situations that entertain you to no limits but also make you get introduced to the desolation and melancholy of the rural community.” Eeeeeew so not true. Boring Movie !! :( The only thing that was better than the cast was the elephant Mohan. Yep it stood still, shaking its tail. Its not even near my all time favorites:” Tango Charlie”, “Family“ or the Shadowless Sword !

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