Monday, September 4

Life is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have meaning.

Some jokes need a lot of imagination. Like this one we have Ram Lal Verma, a successful businessman who runs a multimillion dollar ear-bud business and Krishnakanth a patient and lovable waiter , who is trying to complete his MBA through a correspondence course. They are having one of “those” discussions. The story so far is that Ram Lal has ordered and is served his favorite spicy sweet corn soup with lots of garlic and …… Krishnakant: "Yes, sir, is there something wrong?" Ram Lal : "The soup. Taste it." Krishnakant: "I beg your pardon, Sir?" Ram Lal: "Taste it." Krishnakant: "But, Sir, I can assure you that the soup is excellent." Ram Lal: "Taste it." Krishnakant: "Sir, the soup was made this morning of the finest ingredients." Ram Lal: "Taste it!" Krishnakant: exasperated, "All right, Sir, I'll taste it." Then after a pause he said, "Where is the spoon?" To which Ram Lal replied triumphantly, "Ah ha!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s always the simple things that baffle us. Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Or Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"? Or Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? Sigh* The following short anecdote tells you just that : The stories and characters described here are imaginary. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or dying, or to actual events, is purely coincidental and accidental ;) “…..which states that the magnitude of the wave-function, whether it is summed over real space or over momentum space must be the same.” Lakshmigopal looks at his brand new HMT watch. “ I’ll continue with FFT in the next class, Let me remind you that the assignments are due on Monday”. He moved to the black board and picked up the duster. “ Sir”. He turned around slowly to find Beena shuffling a few sheets of paper .” Oh God ! “ he exclaimed. “Yes Beena what is it ? “ “ Sir can you help me with this ...? “ She hands over a couple of sheets. “What is this ? It looks like an essay on Jawaharlal Nehru. What do you want me to do ?” Beena looks down at her well manicured feet and shuffles, “ Sir I was wondering if you could help me translate a few Hindi words.” “ What ?? I have a degree in Electronics not a degree in Hindi.” ” But Sir, please, it’s for my sister and I promised her…….” Lakshmigopal sighed and looked at the 3 underlined words… 1. Roll number 2. Freedom fighters 3. Teachers signature “This looks easy enough, let me have a go at it” he sat on the chair, pulled out his ink pen. Roll number..roll number..roll…… Can you help Lakshmigopal translate the 3 words ?


Anonymous said...

Ahem! and just when did you watch a girl put mascara?

satishds said...

after applying mascara , they will masacafy u and if u dont budge they will massacre u :P

Artful Badger said...

i didn't get it..what was the last part about...
i have no idea how to translate it though..

Divster said...


dont u guys get it???

this looks like a section from tinkle that has a heading
"it happenned to me"

Anonymous said...

let me know if this is right

1. Kram Sankya
2. Swathantra Senani
3. Adhyapak ########

Anonymous said...

May be

1. Kramank
2. Swatantrya Yodh
3. Adhyapak ka Dastakat


Vc said...

yeah yeah div got it right.. grr..

and who are all these Anony aunties..thu che.....sigh..ok I"m done dealing with Anony aunties..

no more Anony comments..haha hehe huhu. .lalalla thanks for dropping by ..and those are infact the correct answers..

Ramani now you understand ?

Anonymous said...

ammaaa veeeenu...