Thursday, September 7

No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous. ~Henry Brooks Adams

I have been called vile names before but this was a little different… You know that girl Dee,(she’s suffering from chikungunya, hope she recovers soon) well she has this kind of long lost loos cousin who is aptly named Madz. Well we sort of had a fight over this puzzle and she.... Madz: so easy and simple stuff me : sorry i sent it to a SMART@$$ like you , should have sent it to Julie sigh* instead i chose you the almighty piggy Madz: who is julie your retarded neighbour hood dog ? me: yes her IQ and mine are almost the same well mine is like 13 and julie's is 12 Madz: In an age off google this is so easy me: OMG you are using GOOGLE no wonder smart #@$@ le kapi you are not supposed to use search engines Madz: then how will i recognize the languages ,like i was born with a babel fish in my ear me: didnt i mention that comeon Madz: rubbish u didnt me: if you dont know latin and espanol Madz: u just sent a mail with a manic laugh me: you are a seamonster yeah yeah sea urchin sea cucumber Madz: you crooked cucumber me: u pimple on a piggy tail Madz: u BCC banner u BWSSB policy how far did u reach without google ? huh ? even hackers use google in fact that is the first thing they do yapppa think like a hacker think like a stone age man andre more like it even the ad for google shows a stone age man googling for how to make fire me: get real , seriously we have lost the ability to think Madz :only the first link needs a think and after that the pattern is same then they give you latin me: But Madz did i ever tell you that it was difficult to crack it ?have i ever mentioned it anywhere Madz: u know its in latin but u dont know wat ten in latin is , so u google me: why do you think i was lol in the mail ? Madz: that is as fair as fair can get me: get your facts straight girl Madz: ahhha me: just because you have a backing of 2200 crore rupees as a bonus doesnt mean you can insult poor dudes like me Madz: but u did add "if u cant crack it" ask me in that mail... Madz: ..u were merely hinting on your number 12 IQ me: its 13 FYI , FY K I sorry missed out K Madz: what ever whatever .. one number game is enuf for me now u will make a site for alphabets and send it to me FYKI .. howwwwwlllllllllllllllll u are the sea cucumber in a bottle me: you are animal hair on kitty Kat no make that animal white hair so that means you are as old as a yesterday's arrack ( gosh i am good) Madz: (what good is a sea cucumber ?) You yourself are electrocuted crow ,you are you are ..... a britney spears' new mushy number . me: NOOooooooooooooo way ,you are Michael Jackson's younger sister Madhavi Jackson and you are the real inspiration for Himmi’s latest songs, no wonder he has a beard.. Madz: aaahha copy cat no originality its beneath me to trade insults with you u are hereby thrown out of my religion u pompous fishing rod.. sigh*.......


Anonymous said...

(twists Vc's ear)

Cant u be a good boy for one day?? I leave u un-attended and this is what Gandhiji Has taught u huh? Huh?

now stop reading about hackers and get into the field like those packers

Anonymous said...

Get me ur boss contact.... I need to check what U r paid for....for fwding mails or chatting or blogging.

ok..ok paapa antha bidthidini...

Anonymous said...

papa paaapa

Anonymous said...

Good ques anony (I think its you madz!)
He just fwded me a reallllllllly old mail thread which I wrote when I was three years old, and I asked him the same ques :)

Vc said...

Grrr..sorry guys,girls and sea urchins like more anony comments..i must admit they are funny but i must draw a line somewhere....why you ask.. well because i have a chalk piece* alvidaa....

vc wipes a tear ...

Prashanth said...

Uahahahaa.... poor madz... or was it poor veeee.... no, vee doesn't deserve sympatheeee... what say you kk?

Kirthi said...

Che Vee is such a spoilsport. Anyway, SP I was on Madz's side!! Talk about loyalty :)

Divster said...

no more anony...

Vc said...

Sigh anony comments..Vc takes a deeeeeeeep breath .

and HELLO SPEE TAKE THAT ..pattar..


and where are you hiding div..come out of the closet NOW ....