Thursday, December 7

You must watch out for....

Too Fast Too Furious : Tokyo Drift It started with The Fast and the Furious : Awesome movie the cars were wooow and the chase sequences .. breathtaking especially Vin Diesel ROCKS!! Vroooooom Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrom Next it was Too Fast and Too Furious : I remember coaxing my friends to watch this movie at the Plaza theatre. All that Sajjan and Anand can remember is Vroooooooom clutch Vroooooom Clutch Vroooooooom and blur images of color color cars passing at insane speeds… RB was asleep :( and Sri was passing loos comments……Ofcourse they later bought the dvd’s . Part 3 is called Too Fast Too Furious: Tokyo Drift . I was not impressed by the title..Tokyo Drift ?? What do the japs know about driving ?? Then I saw the movie ..and saw that Japanese guy drifting ..and I went wowwwww..let me tell you what Drifting is…drifting refers either to a driving technique, or to a sport based on the technique; this article deals primarily with the sport. When the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle, and the front wheels are pointed in the opposite direction to the turn (e.g. car is turning left, wheels are pointed right), and the driver is controlling this, the car is drifting. Got it.. in plain language : the car moves sideways and its useful when you have sharp 90 degree turns . It’s a visual treat for the eyes. Vivah : Awesome Suraj Bharthajiya movie that will test your patience.Its this mushy mushy film in which the heroine has her head bowed at 38 degrees and the hero keeps smiling and the background score..gosh……uhahahhhaaaaaaaaaaha More later now I have to go home and cook dinner ( yeah right !! ) Oh i forgot please do visit Dee's Blog ...she's funny but ofcourse i'm the bestest :)


Anonymous said...

Fantastic explanation of Drifting haan!!

Vc said...

psssssssst who are you??

Divster said...

i thought IM da only anony out here :P
Someone takin over ma territory..
halt! who goes ther!
r u my BF too? (*flickers eyelashes*)

Vc said...

div here take a take take..