Monday, October 1

“I'm always making a comeback but nobody ever tells me where I've been.”

Now, I found, that the world is round and of course it rains everyday. Living tomorrow, where in the world will I be tomorrow? How far am I able to see? Or am I needed here? This is a such a loos song that I like , titled “ World “ sung by the band Bee Gees. I always like to hum this song because it has a meaning that I’m yet to comprehend. For the past couple of months or rather this whole year, I have not been myself. I have not been sarcastic, I have not made fun of people, nor have I written a good story which has huge vampire rats and black chilies grown in the Sahara, which give a lavender tang when mixed with turmeric. Maybe it’s that well educated Engineer cum part time Pundit, who looked into my eyes and acted as if he read my future and foretold “suffering and death” and went on to smear me with sandal paste. He had to stop him when he started advising me to light a diya everyday. Or maybe it’s because of this Or the real reason is because of me becoming a vegan : According to wiki the most popular reasons for becoming a vegan is ethical commitment or moral convictions concerning animal rights, the environment, or human health, and spiritual or religious concerns. Pah!! Well my reason was to lose some weight and Voila Mission Accomplished. It’s always funny , when Anand a pure Veggie, talks about chicken legs and liver, I never talk about non-vegetarian dishes when among my brahmin friends and even if they do, I change the topic and talk about the sun,the moon and throw in a few stars. Maybe I was ashamed of being a non-veggie. Yeah rite !! On the other hand it might just be because I read this quote. People believe I am what they see Me as, rather than what they do not see. But I am the Great Unseen, not what I cause Myself to be in any particular moment. In a sense, I am what I am not. It is from the Am-notness that I come, and to it I always return.” Neale Donald Walsch


Prashanth said...

Why why... why haven't you been yourself... here take this cookie, I promise you that after you eat it you will feel a lot better. And don't worry about the vase.

myths said...

U are a vegan from a year !
The last line / quote was really nice. Mr,I am what I am not.

P.S.Your last 4 posts :
posted by Vc at 10/01/2007 12:16:00 PM
(time stands still?)