Thursday, September 22

There are two kinds of fools: those who can't change their opinions and those who won’t.

I was referring to the serial " Kyunki .... " . As you guys know ( of course you don't) Tulsi aunty the main character of Kyunki the soap serial .. was diagnosed with ...( Vc holds his breath )..... Lung Cancer ( wait let me make it more dramatic and give you the term the Doctor used .. ) oat cell cancer or was it small cell undifferentiated carcinoma naah it was Pleural mesothelioma (yeah that's better ). So the other day ( which means 4 weeks ago) I was eating dinner, in front of the tube, like always and was shattered to hear that Tulsi aunty was dying! . My mom seemed cool with it...she said " This serial has been running for 5 continuous years , let her die.. we need new faces *sigh " .Yeah the sigh said it all . From that day on I was curious as to know how the serial would continue without one of the main characters. It’s like Ramayana without Sita , The Lord of the Rings without the Ring . Harry without his Broom .... eh .. hmm I think you get the idea. In the next 15 episodes, every character of the serial comes to know that Tulsi has very little "air time" .They take turns visiting her and don't even bother to bring her apples. How slowly and accidently the news spreads to each member , could quiet easily have been made into another serial. But killing Tulsi was not enough, she gave bold statements to the media “ Yes I am dying”, the viewers could feel the kashish.. the dard, the pain , the anguish. ( I wonder how much she was paid to say those 4 words ) . To top that these guys ran a poll. Do you think Tulsi should die ? Sms your answer to this number NOW . ( Wait a minute .. what was my mom doing with my mobile ?) Then one fine chilly Thursday night ... the results were announced and we were informed that Tulsi would not be dying.. at least not in this century.The question that was nagging me was “how was she saved “, I believe she was in the 3rd stage of Pleural mesothelioma, the incurable stage. No she did not fly to US of A for a complicated Operation nor did Lord Krishna intervene ( I believe quite a lot of people and many Mahila Mandali's performed yagnas( pooja's) to save her ). My mom then explained that the director simply changed the script and the viewers .. sorry the faithful viewers were informed that " the medical reports were switched " . You could imagine my reaction !!! .. 5 weeks ... 5 weeks of waiting and this is all they could come up with ..... " the medical reports were switched ".What the #!$@#$ were the doctors doing , munching peanuts ? what about the symptoms ? what about the other tests that were supposed to be done when she was admitted to the 7 star hospital ? What about the..... Vc coughs.. clears his throat .. Sorry got carried away.


Anonymous said...

At subject line, i thought you are going to talk about yourself :)


Vc said...

Nimaaji .. But Of course Mr Sajjan, I was pointing out that I am ( vc clears his throat and whispers) a fool....

Anonymous said...

Scriptwriter is omniscient and omnipotent. Why else do you think I like writing so much?

Any news from Kk? How is Kk finding UK and how is UK finding Kk?


Artful Badger said...

they probably realized that without the protagonist no one would watch the show :D...

Vc said...

kk she's busy impressing those English folk.It seems she's asking a lot of questions.Ooh the last I heard from her.. she was busying shouting at Bee... poor Bee...

True Ramani .. Tulsi aunty is one of the main characters of that serial...

Tipsy Topsy said...

what about the poor person who actually has the cancer and didnt know about it?! He must be dead by now :(

Anonymous said...

Tipsy is that you ???

Hah!! True..

Kirthi said...

This was so the time Tulsi aunty finally dies or for that matter her great grandmother dies SP's grand daughter would be watching the serial.
NOTE: I preferred to use SP's name coz Vc's the brontosaur here. (or was it diplodocus?)

I miss you guys! The internet connection here is a bit rationed..or I should say the time I get to communicate with you folks is rationed. So I have resorted to chronicling my escapades in the traditional way: paper pencil.
Got carried away...this is Vc's blog but he couldn't care less could he?
I will try to get back to blogging since Vc thinks my blog stinks and is rotting..and apparently his demand is my command..(blimey! when the hell did I start to cater to my reader's request!)