Monday, June 19


I was talking to Kk about assuming stuff and I couldn’t find a suitable word to express what I was trying to say. I knew I had read that word in Dan Brown's “The Da Vinci Code” and so I searched for the book, online . After rattling the google for a few seconds I found the book here . The next step was to recall in which “Scene/Chapter" the word was used......I knew it was when Teabing, Lagdon and Sophie are discussing about the Holy Grail. Scroll scroll read read ........BINGO Sophie could not take her eyes from the woman beside Christ. The Last Supper is supposed to be thirteen men. Who is this woman? Although Sophie had seen this classic image many times, she had not once noticed this glaring discrepancy. “Everyone misses it,” Teabing said. “Our preconceived notions of this scene are so powerful that our mind blocks out the incongruity and overrides our eyes.” “It’s known as skitoma,” Langdon added. “The brain does it sometimes with powerful symbols.” Skitoma and preconceived notions ........but skitoma was a typo and is in fact scotoma. So what am I proving here ........ all I am saying is that Bandidas is one cool chik flick :) HELLO!! it has Penelope Cruz( check out her nose) and Salma Hayek (cough cough).


Born a Libran said...

*Read it once*.... *shook my head*...
*read it again*...
What the f***? How does this prove that Bandidas is a cool chick movie? Anyways, dont bother...

Prashanth said...

Well, see B-a-l, Scotoma refers to diminished vision, either literal or metaphorical. Now, because Salma and Penelope have those scarfs on, we can't see their faces fully (much like Vc's nose blocks half his face in his photos), so it is, in a way, diminished vision. Now, if they drew those scarfs a little higher, then THEY would have diminished vision. Because of that, they are likely to misread Band-Aids as Bandidas. Hence, it's a cool chick flick. Capiche?

Anonymous said...

hey im comin from o*k* where is ur new pic?

Vc said...

tut tut B-a-l no ***** swearing on this blog..( Sp can i giv him a pattar ? )

Sp you know me better than myself :) Capiche and Merci

Kirthi said...

SP, Excellent interpretation! Why don't u write more of such midless humor: it is definitely more readable than that fantasy stuff!!

Divster said...

for once i thought VC was genuinely interested in chick flicks!

Bleh,the illusion falls apart...before I even get a chance to taunt him with it!