Thursday, August 4

Vc proves he's a sweet guy...

Please note this post has nothing what-so-ever to do with my eating habits..and yes my mom did serve ice-cream for breakfast ...but that was 2 days ago.. Did you receive a mail titled : 26 things a sweet guy would do ? No ? well then you are not in my spam list: subscribe now. The mail is about all the things a "sweet guy" would do. Here's the proof that I am a Sweet guy ... 1.Know how to make you smile when you are down. >> Of course when she slips and falls .. come-on that’s funny… 2. Try to secretly smell your hair BUT you always notice. >>I hope she uses Pro-V shampoo , its so sweet smelling..haiiii 3. Stick up for you but still be respectful of your independence. >> Ok she can eat “Kashmiri pulav” but she'll have to pay for it. 4. Give you the remote control during the game. >>Easy…I can keep the batteries ,can’t I? 5. Come up behind you, put his arms around you, squeeze you tightly against his chest, and whisper softly into your ear >> I’m hungry, what’s for dinner? 6. Play with your hair. >> Damn, chewing gum got stuck in her hair , again. 7. His hands will always find yours. >>> Everytime. I mean everytime her hands try to grab the remote. 8. Be cute when he really wants something. >> I have mastered this art .. meow meow… 9. Offer you plenty of massages. >>> Airtel to Airtel sms free so its easy.. wait massage ?? thu thu ..I can try ,maybe take a few classes from Phoebe ..haiii 10. Dance with you even if he feels like a dork. >>> I am a dork , so no problems...chaiya chaiya !! 11. Never run out of love. >>>I think you mean, Never run out of money when she's shopping, right? No problem... psst Sajjan can I borrow your credit card. 12. Be funny, but knows when to be serious. >> Yeah yeah , tried that once,no use. 13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious. >>Is this a trick question ? Its so similar to Q 12. 14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready. >> Yeah.. I can read a novel by the time she finishes her makeup.. may be even grow a French never know. 15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts. >> She’ll assault me ? Am I ready for this ? 16. Smile a lot. >> hmm.. can we change that to Grin a lot ?? 17. Plan a romantic date full of cheesy things he wouldn't normally do just b/c he knows it means a lot to you. >>I’ll take her to Mac’s .. it seems they have lots of stuff with cheese. 18. Appreciate you. >> Wow nice pair of sandals!! 19. Help others out. >> You mean her relatives ... Oh God!!! 20. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1. >>> With Bangalore’s traffic and weather.. that’s a breeze… 21. Always give you a peck on the cheek when you depart from each other's company- even when friends are watching.>>”Friends “ you mean the serial right ?? 22. Sing even if he can't >> I can sing .. In school I used to get C for singing , so that’s good na.. 23. Have a creative sense of humor. >>> I’ll paint when I tell her jokes . 24. Stare at you. >>> I can do that …I mean the other day I was staring at this girl and she saw me and ..hmmm..nevermind.. 25. Call for no reason >>> Oh yes .. it so happens that I was trying to dial Anand’s number and accidently dialed hers and she asked why and I said .. No reason .. she said it was cute.. 26. Quit smoking, chewing, drinking, or drugs just b/c he loves you enough to quit!! >> chewing ?? Hello I chew Boomer bubble gum .. actually I buy gum for the free tattoo…but I’ll quit…soon…very soon...


Anonymous said...

LOL Vc that was so funny I cudn't expect anything less than loos from u!

Anonymous said...

There's an easier way to prove youre sweet. Eat lots of sugar.

Vc said...

I think my sis just read this post and is now in the process of declaring that she is in no way related to one Mr Vc.

Anonymous said...

Why did you remove your comment?

Anonymous said...

eh .. it was not funny.. it was eeks.. blame it on the coffee..