Sunday, March 6

Aaah.. the 7th sense kicks in ....

So where can you find garlands, aromatic incense and people in a daze? Hmm a temple? Yep and of course when someone dies….. Got a call on Saturday .. (which incidentally is part of the SPOOKY week, that I am undergoing) informing me of the demise of my close friend's mom . See I had this feeling all throughout the week... " see Emotionally Drained" ...... It was really hard to believe that my aunt was no more.. she suffered a massive heart-attack.


Karthik CS said...

Ohhh!!! I am very sorry.. deep condolences to your friend's family..

VC, our mind is very powerful .. it can sense future.. but we are helpless to recognise it.. even if we recognise, what are we able to do ? Thats oue inability .. inability to control birth and death.. :(

Vc said...

Hmm Kano ..