Wednesday, March 2

Why does death terrify us?

Generally, our fear of death is an unhealthy and unrealistic fear-we don't want to die, so we ignore the subject, deny it, or get morbidly obsessed by it and think that life is meaningless. However, right now we cannot do anything about dying, so there is no point fearing death itself. Moreover, when someone close to us is dying, such as a parent or friend, we shall be powerless to help them because we shall not know how; and we shall experience sadness and frustration at our inability to be of genuine help. Perhaps the best cure for the fear of death is to reflect that life has a beginning as well as an end. Source : Some obscure site .... Damn the thought of losing a close friend terrifies me !!!


Karthik CS said...

very true. We need to understand that there is an end.. But Human mind is very weak.. Eventhough we have knowledge, its tough to accept the truth :(

Vc said...

So true...

Kirthi said...

We probably don't fear our own death as much as we fear the death of our near dear ones.
The mind does not accept death when it happens to a person hale and hearty and in the prime of is his life. It becomes acceptable when a person has lived his lifecycle completed his duties and is ready to move on to the next world

Anonymous said...

One of my best friends is the complete opposite... he welcomes death; he believes that life is meaningless. Although I respect him looking forward to dying (he's not suicidal or having a terminal illness by the way), I am doing a lousy job of changing his belief that life is meaningless. Any ideas that would assist me in persuading him that life isn't meaningless?
Your friend, Nadera :-)