Tuesday, September 21

My first article.......

My first article....... hah the good old days ......

A short article on India's Most Holy Animal --The Cow On Saturday, I was off to the temple as usual, praying for world peace and hoping that Aish will at last yield to my marriage proposal. It was at this time that I came across the Holy cow. This cow was an udderly massive animal. Two colonies of sparrows could easily play football on its back. People were allowed to 'pet' it and it was enjoying every minute of the attention, giving nonchalant looks, as if someone else was getting petted. It looked a little tickled at times, perhaps because some guys may have petted its erogenous zones by mistake. Its tail seemed to have a life of its own, swatting flies non-stop. I too went near and touched it gingerly. The cow gave me a cold look through its peripheral vision. Tune into Vc and his amazing stories same time next week...... More later got to go ...... Drop a line... Regards Vc It is my ambition to say in ten sentences; what others say in a whole book :)

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